3 Aralık 2017 Pazar

Shitty Gen XVI Speculation, pre-Gen VIII

Gen XVI:
  1. Console: Tentatively Nintendo Switch's successor's successor's successor's successor. As Switch's fate as a handheld remains dubious, I am going to put this as tentative.
  2. Year: 2043-2044. 2043 is if Switch is released in 2017. 2044 is if Nintendo has a real successor to 3DS in 2018.
  3. Location basis: From most likely to least likely:
  • Ireland: Major Nintendo region.
  • Sweden: I sort of mistakenly wrote this above, but sure. Doesn't have Nintendo presence though.
  • Luxembourg: Much like Sweden it doesn't have Nintendo presence, but it has cash.
  • Estonia: See above.
    1. Dex structure. Either around 65 Pokémon and 35 new forms, or a 90-100 new species. There will almost certainly going to be new means of providing de-facto evolutions, whether they are new forms or something else, as this an even generation.
    2. New field move: Another non-elemental field move, though this one might not be as meta-defining as previous ones, just a group of insta-buffs.
    3. More overworld encounters: There is probably no more possible overworld evolution besides open world sandbox soaring and diving, so those should be a thing?
    4. Less forms, more variants: At this point, forms should cease to exist, paving way to variants of existing Pokémon. New forms, if they exist, should be more equivalent to evolutions than mode changes.
    5. Anything else?:Abolishment of in-battle items. They haven't been relevant since forever, so there is not much of a reason to keep them. They are impossible competitively anyways, so this menu item should be replaced by something else, like the PokéDex.
    6. Similarly, all traditional healing items should be abolished and be replaced by a new Pokécenter app in the main menu. This would also mean that NPC trainers would be incapable of using healing items to stall you out as well. To compensate that, recovery will be even more common and universal.
    7. Important: At this point onward, abilities and moves should be 500 and 1000 respectively. So, all possible evolution at this point for these two aspects is basically done for. Alternate forms should now have alternate methods of triggering themselves.
    Primary Dex Speculation:
    1. Grass
    2. Grass
    3. Grass/Flying
    4. Fire
    5. Fire
    6. Fire/Dragon
    7. Water
    8. Water
    9. Water/Fighting
    10. Flying
    11. Flying/Dark
    12. Flying/Dark: Generic bird
    13. Normal
    14. Normal: Generic rodent
    15. Bug
    16. Bug
    17. Bug: Generic Bug
    18. Rock/Ghost
    19. Rock/Ghost: Generic rock
    20. Fighting/Electric
    21. Fighting/Electric: Generic Fighting
    22. Flying/Water
    23. Flying/Water: Generic Water
    24. Psychic/Fire
    25. Psychic/Fire: Generic Psychic
    26. Dark/Grass
    27. Dark/Grass: Generic Dark
    28. Fire/Bug
    29. Fire/Bug: Generic Fire
    30. Fairy/Bug
    31. Fairy/Bug: Generic Fairy
    32. Flying/Electric
    33. Flying/Electric: Generic Electric
    34. Dragon
    35. Dragon: Generic Dragon
    36. Grass/Bug
    37. Grass/Bug: Generic Grass
    38. Poison/Grass
    39. Poison/Grass: Generic Poison
    40. Ground/Dragon
    41. Ground/Dragon: Generic Ground
    42. Steel/Electric
    43. Steel/Electric: Generic Steel
    44. Ice
    45. Ice: Generic Ice
    Alternate dex speculation:
    1. Grass
    2. Grass
    3. Grass/Flying
    4. Fire
    5. Fire
    6. Fire/Poison
    7. Water
    8. Water
    9. Water/Ice
    10. Flying
    11. Flying/Ice
    12. Flying/Ice: Generic Flying
    13. Normal/Ice
    14. Normal/Ice: Generic rodent
    15. Bug
    16. Bug
    17. Bug: Generic Bug
    18. Flying/Rock
    19. Flying/Rock: Generic Rock
    20. Fighting/Rock
    21. Fighting//Rock: Generic Fighting
    22. Water/Rock
    23. Water/Rock: Generic Water
    24. Psychic
    25. Psychic/Fire: Generic Psychic
    26. Dark
    27. Dark/Dragon: Generic Dark
    28. Fire
    29. Fire/Rock: Generic Fire
    30. Fairy
    31. Fairy: Generic Fairy
    32. Electric
    33. Electric/Ground: Generic Electric
    34. Dragon
    35. Dragon: Generic Dragon
    36. Flying/Grass
    37. Flying/Grass: Generic Flying
    38. Flying/Poison
    39. Flying/Poison: Generic Poison
    40. Ground/Rock
    41. Ground/Rock: Generic Ground
    42. Steel/Fighting
    43. Steel/Fighting: Generic Steel
    44. Ice
    45. Ice/Fighting: Generic Ice


    Gym Leaders:
    1. Ghost
    2. Ground
    3. Poison
    4. Grass
    5. Ice
    6. Steel
    7. Psychic
    8. Varied
    Elite Four:
    1. Bug
    2. Flying
    3. Ice
    4. Water
    Champion: Rock
    Villain: Normal


    Gym Leaders:
    1. Fairy
    2. Poison
    3. Psychic
    4. Rock
    5. Normal
    6. Steel
    7. Water
    8. Fire
    Elite Four:
    1. Grass
    2. Ghost
    3. Electric
    4. Flying
    Champion: Varied, or Ice
    Villain: Psychic

    Regional dex speculation:

    Sub-dex 1:
    1. Grass starter
    2. Grass starter
    3. Grass starter
    4. Fire starter
    5. Fire starter
    6. Fire starter
    7. Water starter
    8. Water starter
    9. Water starter
    10. Generic rodent
    11. Generic rodent
    12. Patrat
    13. Watchog
    14. Generic Flying
    15. Generic Flying
    16. Generic Flying
    17. Fletchling
    18. Fletchinder
    19. Talonflame
    20. Generic Bug
    21. Generic Bug
    22. Generic Bug
    23. Sewaddle
    24. Swadloon
    25. Leavanny
    Sub-dex 2:

    1. Generic Rock
    2. Generic Rock
    3. Bonsly
    4. Sudowoodo
    5. Venipede
    6. Whirlipede
    7. Scolipede
    8. Generic Fighting
    9. Generic Fighting
    10. Timburr
    11. Gurdurr
    12. Conkeldurr
    13. Generic Psychic
    14. Generic Psychic
    15. Munna
    16. Musharna
    17. Skitty
    18. Delcatty
    19. Glameow
    20. Purugly
    21. Generic Ghost
    22. Generic Ghost
    23. Shuppet
    24. Banette
    25. Bruxish

    Sub-dex 3:

    1. Generic Grass
    2. Generic Grass
    3. Hoppip
    4. Skiploom
    5. Jumpluff
    6. Generic Fire
    7. Generic Fire
    8. Torkoal
    9. Generic Fish
    10. Generic Fish
    11. Goldeen
    12. Seaking
    13. Generic Poison
    14. Generic Poison
    15. Zubat
    16. Golbat
    17. Crobat
    18. Generic Ground
    19. Generic Ground
    20. Sandile
    21. Krokorok
    22. Krookodile
    23. Stufful
    24. Bewear
    25. Klefki
    Sub-dex 4:
    1. Generic Electric
    2. Generic Electric
    3. Voltorb
    4. Electrode
    5. Generic Ice
    6. Generic Ice
    7. Snorunt
    8. Glalie
    9. Froslass
    10. Generic Steel
    11. Generic Steel
    12. Honedge
    13. Doublade
    14. Aegislash
    15. Generic Dark
    16. Generic Dark
    17. Absol
    18. Generic Fairy
    19. Generic Fairy
    20. Dedenne
    21. Generic pseudo
    22. Generic pseudo
    23. Generic pseudo
    24. Turtonator
    25. Drampa
    Sub-dex 5:
    1. Misdreavus
    2. Mismagius
    3. Murkrow
    4. Honchkrow
    5. Heatmor
    6. Durant
    7. Duskull
    8. Dusclops
    9. Dusknoir
    10. Generic Pikaclone
    11. Emolga
    12. Skiddo
    13. Gogoat
    14. Gible
    15. Gabite
    16. Garchomp
    17. Pikipek
    18. Trumbeak
    19. Toucannon
    20. Igglybuff
    21. Jigglypuff
    22. Wigglytuff
    23. Cleffa
    24. Clefairy
    25. Clefairy

    Sub-dex 6:

    1. Seedot
    2. Nuzleaf
    3. Shiftry
    4. Lotad
    5. Lombre
    6. Ludicolo
    7. Spiritomb
    8. Dunsparce
    9. Sawk
    10. Throh
    11. Cutiefly
    12. Ribombee
    13. Lickitung
    14. Lİckilicky
    15. Lapras
    16. Kangaskhan
    17. Onix
    18. Steelix
    19. Budew
    20. Roselia
    21. Lunatone
    22. Solrock
    23. Roserade
    24. Larvesta
    25. Volcarona
    Sub-dex 7:
    1. Mimikyu
    2. Druddigon
    3. Pancham
    4. Pangoro
    5. Snover
    6. Abomasnow
    7. Kecleon
    8. Spinda
    9. Houndour
    10. Houndoom
    11. Electrike
    12. Manectric
    13. Aerodactyl
    14. Chingling
    15. Chimecho
    16. Wynaut
    17. Wobbuffet
    18. Carbink
    19. Ralts
    20. Kirlia
    21. Gardevoir
    22. Gallade
    23. Machop
    24. Machoke
    25. Machamp
    Sub-dex 8:
    1. Vulpix
    2. Ninetales
    3. Growlithe
    4. Arcanine
    5. Tynamo
    6. Eelektrik
    7. Eelektross
    8. Gligar
    9. Gliscor
    10. Flabébé
    11. Floette
    12. Florges
    13. Sneasel
    14. Weavile
    15. Delibird
    16. Seel
    17. Dewgong
    18. Pumpkaboo
    19. Gourgeist
    20. Phantump
    21. Trevenant
    22. Poliwag
    23. Poliwhirl
    24. Poliwrath
    25. Politoed
    Sub-dex 9:
    1. Oranguru
    2. Passimian
    3. Relicanth
    4. Scyther
    5. Scizor
    6. Spinarak
    7. Ariados
    8. Ledyba
    9. Ledian
    10. Vanillite
    11. Vanillish
    12. Vanilluxe
    13. Cherubi
    14. Cherrim
    15. Tauros
    16. Miltank
    17. Pinsir
    18. Heracross
    19. Grubbin
    20. Charjabug
    21. Vikavolt
    22. Volbeat
    23. Illumise
    24. Combee
    25. Vespiquen
    Sub-dex 10:
    1. Makuhita
    2. Hariyama
    3. Blitzle
    4. Zebstrika
    5. Deerling
    6. Sawsbuck
    7. Azurill
    8. Marill
    9. Azumarill
    10. Luvdisc
    11. Joltik
    12. Galvantula
    13. Shelmet
    14. Accelgor
    15. Karrablast
    16. Escavalier
    17. Ducklett
    18. Swanna
    19. Psyduck
    20. Golduck
    21. Swablu
    22. Altaria
    23. Feebas
    24. Milotic
    25. Qwilfish
    Sub-dex 11:
    1. Magikarp
    2. Gyarados
    3. Larvitar
    4. Pupitar
    5. Tyranitar
    6. Munchlax
    7. Snorlax
    8. Eevee
    9. Vaporeon
    10. Jolteon
    11. Flareon
    12. Espeon
    13. Umbreon
    14. Leafeon
    15. Glaceon
    16. Sylveon
    17. Pichu
    18. Pikachu
    19. Raichu
    20. Generic Mascot Legend I
    21. Generic Mascot Legend II
    22. Generic Mascot Legend III
    23. Mythical I
    24. Mythical II
    25. Mythical III
    BST Update Speculation:
    1. Jumpluff: +20: 460->480
    2. Wobbuffet: +30: 405->435
    3. Leavanny: +20:500->520
    4. Carbink: +20:500->520
    5. Kecleon: +40: 440->480
    6. Lickilicky: +10: 510->520
    7. Machoke: +20: 405->425
    8. Floette: +50: 371->421
    Notes on type speculation:

    With most types having some sort of decent representation, this section will only cover moves and abilities.
    1. Bug: Around 66 moves should be present in Bug-type. This should be sufficient enough for offensive moves, but there needs to be more status moves causing status conditions.
    2. Dark: Around 84 moves should be present in Dark-type. This should be sufficient enough both offensive moves and status moves, but there needs to be more support moves. However, Dark-type will likely get an area move, so this isn't too important.
    3. Dragon: Around 36 moves should be present in Dragon-type. This is insufficient, like always, so one should expect more.
    4. Electric: Around 87 moves should be present in Electric-type. This is sufficient enough for both offensive moves and support moves, but there needs to be some more status moves and boosting moves.
    5. Fairy: Around 50 moves should be present in Fairy-type. This is sufficient enough for offensive moves, but there needs to be more status moves. There can also be some upper high BP moves.
    6. Fighting: Around 98 moves should be present in Fighting-type. This type should cover all of its bases at this point. Since there likely will be more signature moves, those should be more evenly distributed.
    7. Fire: Around 80 moves should be present in Fire-type, like always Fire-type would need more status moves in general, particularly the ones that are support based.
    8. Flying: Around 54 moves should be present in Flying-type, which is insufficient for support moves. Flying deserves moves that can boost its stats, as well as moves that can inflict statuses.
    9. Ghost: Around 53 moves should be present in Ghost-type, which is insufficient. Ghost needs more varied moves, especially as coverage for other types.
    10. Grass: Around 96 moves should be present in Grass-type, which should cover all of its bases. If there are any signature moves left, they should get a better distribution, but this is unlikely given how little Grass-type legendaries exist.
    11. Ground: Around 54 moves should be present in Ground-type, which is bad for a common type like Ground. Ground needs more moves overall.
    12. Ice: Around 52 moves should be present in Ice-type, which is sad, really. There needs to be more done with it.
    13. Normal: Around 388 moves should be present for Normal-type, which can be retyped into other types.
    14. Poison: Around 64 moves should be present for Poison-type, which can be sufficient for offensive moves, but there needs to be more.
    15. Psychic: Around 134 moves should be present for Psychic-type, which should be sufficient enough. Theoretically a good 50 something of these moves can be moved to other types or a new type.
    16. Rock: Around 37 moves should be expected, which is tiny, really. Despite being around forever Rock-type has not gotten anything significant. Rock needs much more moves, much more.
    17. Steel: Around 52 moves should be expected by this point, which is pathetic. Steel will likely need more status moves than offensive moves, but it will need moves in general.
    18. Water: Around 80 moves should be present by this point, which is sufficient enough for offensive moves. Water needs more buffing and debuffing moves, as well as more varied moves for coverage.
    Possible additional cross-generational forms:
    1. Bug: Finneon can get a part Bug form. Kabuto is another possibility.
    2. Dark: Basculin and Simis are an option.
    3. Dragon: Seviper is an option. So is Rhyhorn/Aron.
    4. Electric: Qwilfish and Wooper are options.
    5. Fairy: Vivillon is an option.
    6. Fighting: Lillipup and Patrat are both options.
    7. Fire: Misdreavus is an option.
    8. Flying: Sewaddle is an option.
    9. Ghost: Grimer is an option. So is Chimecho.
    10. Grass: Pineco and Pikipek are options.
    11. Ground: Psyduck is an option.
    12. Ice: Slowpoke is an option.
    13. Normal: Perhaps Murkrow?
    14. Poison: Shelmet is an option.
    15. Psychic: Dustox is an option.
    16. Rock: Nidorans are an option.
    17. Steel: Vanillite is an option. Kingdra is another.
    18. Water: Dragalge is an option.
    Hidden Ability Additions:
    1. Grubbin: Galvanize
    2. Wimpod: Swift Swim
    3. Tynamo: Motor Drive
    4. Minior: Weak Armor
    5. Cherubi: Solar Power
    6. Carnivine: Leaf Guard
    Move update wishlist:
    1. Shock Wave
    2. Icy Wind
    3. Electroweb
    4. Shadow Punch
    5. Razor Leaf
    6. Air Cutter
    7. Pluck
    8. Disarming Voice

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