2 Eylül 2017 Cumartesi

How to improve: 441- Chatot

1.Stats: Should Chatot get a stat boost, Evolution, Mega Evolution or nothing?

Chatot's current BST is the same as Vivillon, an early game three-stage butterfly. This is obviously terrible. Chatot can get at maximum 129 BST.

Chatot's BST is similar to that of a middle-stage, so an evolution would be a perfect fit.

With Chatot's BST, unless it has Mega Beedrill-like stats, a Mega Chatot would be a failure.

2.Should Chatot get more abilities?

Chatot's abilities are pretty terrible. Here are some options:

  1. Gale Wings
  2. Sniper
  3. Speed Boost
  4. Super Luck

3. Should Chatot get more moves?

Chatot should definitely get more moves, as its current movepool is pretty terrible. Some options would include:
  1. Air Slash
  2. Brave Bird
  3. Copycat
  4. Defog
  5. Drill Peck
  6. Follow Me
  7. Foresight
  8. Gust
  9. Hex
  10. Hurricane
  11. Lucky Chant
  12. Moonlight
  13. Moonblast
  14. Nightmare
  15. Ominous Wind
  16. Peck
  17. Perish Song
  18. Pluck
  19. Present
  20. Screech
  21. Silver Wind
  22. Tri Attack
  23. Trump Card
  24. Wing Attack
  25. Drill Run
  26. Acrobatics
  27. Dark Pulse
  28. Payback
  29. Shadow Ball
4.What additional typing Chatot can have?

Dark, Ghost and Psychic are the only options.

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