8 Temmuz 2017 Cumartesi

Possible Terrain and Weather Ability Add-Ons

Species with two abilities:

Electric Surge:
  1. Pichu-Pikachu-Raichu
  2. Elekid-Electabuzz-Electivire
  3. Jolteon
  4. Mareep-Flaaffy-Ampharos
  5. Plusle
  6. Minun
  7. Emolga
Misty Surge:
  1. Alolan Ninetales
  2. Flabébé-Floette-Florges
  3. Spritzee-Aromatisse
  4. Swirlix-Slurpuff
  5. Carbink
  6. Klefki
  7. Sylveon
Psychic Surge:
  1. Exeggcute-Exeggutor
  2. Meditite-Medicham
  3. Wynaut-Wobbuffet
  4. Beldum-Metang-Metagross
  5. Gallade
  6. Espeon
Grassy Surge:
  1. Oddish-Gloom-Vileplume-Bellossom
  2. Bellsprout-Weepinbell-Victreebel
  3. Exeggcute-Exeggutor/Alolan Exeggutor
  4. Cacnea-Cacturne
  5. Lileep-Cradily
  6. Pansage-Simisage
  7. Foongus-Amoonguss
  8. Ferrothorn
  9. Skiddo-Gogoat
  10. Fomantis-Lurantis
  11. Leafeon
  12. Wormadam Plant Cloak
  1. Magby-Magmar-Magmortar
  2. Flareon
  3. Pansear-Simisear
  4. Darumaka-Darmanitan
  5. Fletchling-Fletchinder-Talonflame
  6. Salandit-Salazzle
  7. Larvesta-Volcarona
  1. Magikarp-Gyarados
  2. Vaporeon
  3. Surskit-Masquerain
  4. Carvanha-Sharpedo
  5. Clamperl-Huntail/Gorebyss
  6. Luvdisc
  7. Buizel-Floatzel
  8. Panpour-Simipour
  9. Dewpider-Araquanid
  10. Pyukumuku
  1. Alolan Sandshrew-Alolan Sandslash
  2. Weavile
  3. Glaceon
  4. Froslass
Sand Stream:
  1. Lileep-Cradily
  2. Anorith-Armaldo
  3. Cranidos-Rampardos
  4. Shieldon-Bastiodon
  5. Tyrunt-Tyrantrum
  6. Amaura-Aurorus
  7. Carbink
  8. Sandshrew-Sandslash
  9. Phanpy-Donphan
  10. Gible-Gabite-Garchomp
  11. Sandygast-Pallosand
  12. Wormadam Sandy Cloak

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